目前分類:mould usb sticks (3)
- Jan 21 Mon 2013 09:59
iPhone 5 users are EU's big data consumers
- Dec 25 Tue 2012 11:12
Microsoft Office 2013
- Dec 07 Fri 2012 13:46
10 Must have Apps For iPad
Applications are software programs that allow us to perform specific tasks, such as a game or a word processor do for a computer, and without which a computer would serve no purpose. In the case of the iPad, in addition to those that come factory built, thousands of applications that can be downloaded from the online store. There Apple maintains, and permanently updates, a list of the most popular apps. Although the divide between Free and paid (and by distinguishing through the number of downloads, pieces sold and those generating more revenue), we can make a list of the 10 most popular applications for the iPad that encompasses all categories.
Angry Birds HD Space Being the most popular game for smartphones, it was also expected to triumph in the tablets. At a price of $ 2.99, the new version sends these "Angry Birds" on an intergalactic journey where you will face space hogs. It has 60 levels, at different speeds,Jerisa was last seen wearing black tights, a black shirt and pink new jordan shoes. She was entered into the National Crime Information Center database as a runaway. and allows the acquisition of updates and additional powers and birds.