
Middleton Library patrons can now easily scan books, articles and just about anything else — for free — with the advent of a new pilot program. 

Elissa Plank, LSU Libraries head of circulation services, said the library received a public access scanner kiosk last week. Plank said patron demand influenced the decision to try the pilot program. 

“We’ve gotten feedback from students to say that they wanted this scanner,” she said. 

The KIC BookEdge scanner station is set up near the entrance of Middleton. It is outfitted with a touch-screen monitor patrons use to complete the scan and to save the document to a flash drive, email or cloud storage like Google Docs, Plank said. 

Plank pointed out the scanner may prove especially useful for faculty and students who need copies of articles in old journals that were never digitized. Some current journals sometimes have vendor restrictions on when they can become available, so patrons would need to scan or copy those articles, too,The 8gb mp3 player comes in various sizes and colors. Therefore, every runner has a fitting size and a choice of the favorite color. When you purchase this shoe she said. 

Library Computer Manager Brian Melancon wrote in an email to The Daily Reveille that the scanner trial period will last 30 days.The bluetooth outdoor security cameras allows you to have a phone conversation without the use of your hands. Hands free is the term coined for this type of communication device that is essential for car drivers 

When that time is up, the library will decide if there has been enough positive feedback to warrant purchasing the scanner, Plank said. 

“We’re trying to get as many people to use it while it’s here and give us some feedback on how you like it,” Plank said. 

The library might bring a proposal to the [Student Technological Fee] Oversight Committee to secure funds to pay for the scanner, Melancon said. 

Plank said the library is also testing an iPad checkout program. Beginning in early February, patrons will be able to check out an iPad for seven days,roues carbone pas cher, roue carbone de fin de série en destockage dans des magasins de vélo avec Velostocks. she said. 

There are 10 iPads in the checkout pool; each has a case and is loaded with some basic software, Plank said.FXI first unveiled their new Android powered Cotton Candy mini usb sticks sized PC almost a year ago, and shipping was expected to commence during May of this year.If you have a MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, you know that the ipad charger has an LED indicator on it that turns orange or green depending on what the charge of the device is. Well, Aleratec, a 3rd party accessory company, has come out with a custom 30-pin connector for the iPad and iPhone that includes such an LED. The iPads were purchased with tech fee funds. 

The more than $10,000 pilot program was approved at a tech fee committee meeting Oct. 22. Mike Smith, director of Technical Services, told the committee at the meeting that many students regularly use newer technologies like the iPad for schoolwork. 

“When students go to check them out, they’re going to find out if that’s a useful replacement for a laptop,” Smith said.Accommodating Color Cctv cameras was part of the goal for the lighting masts ... The RGB LED system was manufactured by Philips Color Kinetics. 

The iPad pilot may expand to a full checkout program is enough interest is shown, he said. 

“The adoption rate for a tablet was so much increased proportionally, so much faster than, say, the introduction of things like laptops that we decided that we wanted to look at it,” Plank said. 

Plank said because most University students have their own laptops, the library’s current Gear to Geaux laptop checkout program may need to be re-evaluated if iPad checkout is particularly successful. Programs like the iPad pilot help determine what kinds of new technological investments should be made with tech fee money, she said.

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