
Fans across Colorado are gearing up to cheer on the Broncos for another season of football. 

Before entering Sports Authority Field, fans are greeted by security guards with metal detectors. However, those fortunate enough to make it to a game this year will notice a new set of bag policies.Top quality Cooler Bag manufacturers & Cooler Bag suppliers from of cooler bags 

The NFL is permitting only small clutch purses and clear PVC vinyl bags. They’re also setting up a secondary perimeter around the stadium, where security will check for prohibited items or bags being carried towards the arena. 

“I understand but it does stink because we usually have bags to carry our cameras and things,a leading Cheap filter cloth on sale manufacturer and supplier that uses automatic manufacturing equipment for reliable, consistent filter cloth. that,” said Dan Cardoza, Fruita resident. 

The Bronco fan and his wife are visiting Denver for the big pre-season game 

The new set of rules may be an inconvenience for them, but they say safety trumps all. 

“With everything that is going wrong in the world, it’s probably a good thing,” said Cardoza.Cheap Filter cartridge on sale are simply quality filters, well packaged, and offered at a fair and competitive price. “There are a lot of people here, a lot at risk.Buy Authentic Sunglasses Brand Name Sunglasses For Women & Men On Sale.100% recycled bags wholesale at It’s just something you got to get used to.” 

Fans are also hoping this new policy will move along things quicker when getting into the stadium so they could cheer on their favorite team faster. 

These new set of rules come down right from the NFL, meaning that all stadiums across the country will have these rules and restrictions in place. The changes come acting partly in response to the Boston marathon bombing.

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