
Terrified Nicola Reyes will never forget the screams of a young man beaten to death only feet away from her.Chinese Wholesale Sunglasses bought in large bulk quantities can be a very cost effective way to purchase wholesale sunglasses. 

She was left cowering in her squalid prison in the dirt-poor Dominican -Republic as inmates laid into their victim in the next cell. 

Moments later she watched in horror as guards dragged the man’s battered body into the corridor in the notorious jail dubbed the Devil’s Hotel. 

“They left him there dead in front of us until the morning,” says Nicola, tears welling up in her eyes. 

“I saw other male prisoners chained up so high by their hands they were forced to stand on tip-toe. Guards would beat them with sticks until the sticks broke.” 

These images dominate 37-year-old Nicola’s -nightmares – along with vivid dreams about her -husband Jorge who died underneath the wheels of her bag sale 

That is why she has been locked up for the past 14 months,Hi-Efficiency Filter Bags is supplied by manufacturer. herself a target for prison contract killers – accused of homicide over what she insists was a terrible accident. 

She claims she has not even been officially charged. 

And it could be another two years before her case goes to trial on a holiday isle -visited by more than 150,000 British tourists a year. 

Even her own lawyer in the -Caribbean fears she will be convicted of killing her husband. 

“If I am convicted – and I truly think I will be – I will get 30 years,” she says. “I will kill myself. I have worked out a way to do it.{%}, shoe suppliers, shoes outlet, wholesale shoes from china.China shoes manufacturer” 

Her health is deteriorating -alarmingly. 

She has intestine and bladder infections and can no longer eat the watery -porridge served for breakfast and dinner. 

She barely sleeps. 

“I am grieving for Jorge.And she turned Bryn into a style rebel as well, dressing her in a white tank top, floral-printed overall shorts and a pair of purple crocs sandals sale. I don’t even know where he’s buried,” she says. “I live only for phone calls with my,has been providing filter mesh to meet customers filtration need.” 

Her parents, Michael and Jeannette Clements, turned to the Sunday Mirror after failing to get help for Nicola from the British Embassy or the Foreign Office. 

They have launched a petition begging David Cameron to intervene in a case that is far from clear-cut. 

Jorge’s relatives in the Dominican Republic claim she deliberately ran over him over after an argument. Initially they demanded £360,000 “blood money” for what Nicola insists was a freak -accident. 

Sitting in a filthy prison alcove watched by gun-toting guards, Nicola twists her wedding ring and fights tears as she tells how her idyllic life in the holiday resort of Puerto Plata turned to hell. 

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