I am a huge sports fan. I grew up watching every game of the New York Mets, knew their stats, their wives’ names, took the F train and then the 7 out to Shea Stadium, etc. In 1969 they let us out of school early to watch the end of the last game of the World Series, you remember, lost the first and then four straight from Baltimore after taking three straight from the Atlanta Braves. After moving to Connecticut in the 80′s I became a Yankee fan and raised my son a Yankee fan – it was either Yankees or Red Sox where we lived and we certainly couldn’t be Red Sox fans.Wholesale Sunglasses, You Can Buy Various High Quality Wholesale Sunglasses Products from Global wholesale sunglasses manufacturers. These days I’ll watch almost any sporting event and Sports Center is the most watched show in our house.
I was somewhat taken aback the other day when learning that the NFL was now going to require people to bring their belongings in clear plastic bags. I don’t know why but something about this really bugged me. My first reaction was that it reminded me of the airport and having to stuff all your personal items in a plastic bag so you could take your toothpaste on the plane. I never do, I just pack it all in my suitcase. Why was the similarity with the airport bugging me so much?
I am not a paranoid person but I realize that we live in a world where senseless bad things happen. I get that. I want to feel secure in a crowded stadium as much as the next person and not have to wait forever to get inside because of searching bags at the entrance. Maybe because I’m a woman and what we keep in our pocketbooks is well, private. Maybe I just can’t accept the fact that we have come to this. That we have to be patted down and proclaim all our personal belongings for the world to see. Now, you should know that you can also carry in a small clutch bag which means that women can still put any intimate items in a concealed purse – but still. What are we passing down to our children that we need to explain this kind of lack of privacy for the sake of safety?
I remember being 12 and while visiting my father in California for school vacation, he took me to Vegas with him for the day because he had a business meeting. We flew there and when we arrived at the airport to fly back to LA I noticed a man with a dark briefcase. Well, while my father had been at meetings I had watched the movie Airport in the theater. Let me tell you, I was terrified of this man with the dark briefcase.APL Machinery is a manufacturer of UV coating curing systems, screen printing, postpress, PVC profile printing and {%} machines, and Vegra is a manufacturer of dispersion coatings, fountain solutions, specific purpose coatings, cleaning and maintenance products and printing aids.PPNONWOVENBAG Crazy right? I’m also the person who read Jaws while sitting on the beach but I was older then. The point is…what are our children thinking about having to put their stuff in clear plastic bags to go to a football game?
On a gloomier note, isn’t showing the world our belongings opening up temptation for theft at an NFL game? I know, maybe that’s paranoid but I have visions of all these thousands of plastic bags filled with credit cards,Best wholesale fashion {%} from china.Women Shoes Factory drivers licenses, keys, etc. Maybe you just stuff everything in your pockets and sit on it all. A small clutch can only fit so much.industrial bag filters manufacturer supply cheap and high quality bags.
I think and write a lot about privacy and our changing world with technology and social media. I understand that we may have to give up some privacy to allow our government to protect us but “spying” on my phone calls or Internet use is very different than walking up to a stadium having to put all my stuff in a clear plastic freezer bag (or buy one with my Club’s logo – yes they will make money on that).
Will we be donning these bags in various styles for concerts,hiking boots sale On Sale - Shop our selection of Hiking Boots On Sale,www.qdgoutdoor.com. other sporting events, theater and the movies? I hope not. I am glad I do not have to explain all this to a young child and my hope is that we will eventually have a world where the bad guys have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
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- Sep 29 Sun 2013 09:56
NFL, Privacy and Plastic Bags