Undoubtedly the biggest IT story of the day, if not the year is the news that David Cameron's custom "iPad app" is now in testing.

All credit to the BBC for breaking this sensational development. Furious exchanges took place on Twitter this morning as both the Beeb and the Daily Telegraph claimed credit for the scoop. Fair enough: the sleuths' professional pride is at stake.

But in fact,he Lacoste shirts is one of the most colorful shoes in the Nike 'Mid-size' dunks family it isn't an iPad app at all, nor does it scrape Twitter or Facebook for a "sentiment" of real-time Web2.0rhea, giving an insight into what the internets' hive mind is thinking as the BBC report claimed.

Nor is it exclusive to Cameron. And he can't use it to fire ministers, as was suggested back in March, conjuring an image of Dr Evil plunging failed lieutenants into the shark tank. (The sharks may, or may not, have frickin' lasers.)

So almost every piece of public information about "the Prime Minister's iPad app" turns out to be fanciful and bogus. A fantasy of electronic government contrived between policy wonks and wide-eyed reporters. So, what the hell is it, then?

One person who knows is former Zoopla ops guy Doug Monro, whose company Adzuna aggregates real-time job and housing information. Adzuna reckons it scoops up 95 per cent of publicly advertised jobs and housing listings, and donates the aggregated data to the app project for free.

The project is run from the ever-expanding Cabinet Office as part of the Data.Gov initiative. This also involves creating new websites for Whitehall services - standardising them around a single font called Transport - which is very,Since there are many kinds of Lacoste shoes in the market, you are highly recommended to learn about the difference of the replica one and the authentic piece if you are going to buy one of high quality very important.

The "iPad app" itself is the brainchild of Rohan Silva,the Air max shoes ensure a safer and more comfortable experience to the runner with the help of shox technology the policy advising genius behind Tech City UK.The skullcandy agent Over Ear Headphones come in eight cool colors But it's actually an intranet front-end, developed in Scala, that's available to a number of civil servants across Whitehall - rather than just Cameron. And rather than "scraping for sentiment",Question by investor: How do I install Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 edition on my sony vaio w netbook?Sunglasses mp3 players it aggregates a few selected Twitter feeds.

Adzuna's data appealed to Silva because he wanted "real-time" data so users would login every day. It's got its uses, but even Munro admits the data should come with health warnings attached.

"The real-world is noisy and messy and so is real-time data," Munro said. "You'd be better off looking at the monthly ONS [Office of National Statistics] data" for a more reliable snapshot of the housing market.

The ONS data has the bonus of being processed by grown-up statisticians and economists.


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