MacRumors reader Michael Rou has managed to get his hands on both a pre-production iPhone 5 case and a pre-production ipad leather case and posted comparison photos on Flickr.
We have seen a lot of news circulating recently regarding court cases between rival mobile manufacturers. This week we have heard that Apple and HTC have come to a licensing agreement which entitles Apple to a fixed sum every time that their rival HTC sells a phone.
Initially it was unclear which party would be benefiting from the new patent licensing deal.The new iPhone needs enough iphone backup power to get through a busy day without requiring a recharge. It has now become clear that the 10 year deal will benefit Apple who will receive a fixed sum of between $6 and $8 for every HTC phone that is sold. HTC’s 2013 sales predictions currently stand at around 30 tThe Labfit Carbon sulfur analysis is used to determine Carbon and Sulfur in Organic Materials.o 35 million units. When analysts applied the terms of the deal to these figure it looks a though Apple could receive between $180 to $280 million next year. This means that Apple are looking likely to achieve record breaking profits next year when the licensing figures are added to profits expected from the new iPhone 5 and iPad sales. Have a look at iPhone 5 Contract offers here.
A Wall Street Journal which remains unnamed have also backed up rumors regarding HTC paying an undisclosed fee to Apple. It is believed by Shaw Wu that this newlicensing agreement that has been made may be used in the future as a template for other patent wars that may occur. This deal has pleased Apple executives along with the great success achieved by the iPhone 5 and the new iPad Mini. Thanks to the iPhone 5's impressive specification, large display and the stylish nSadly, the iPad doesn't have either a USB port or an SD slot, but Apple sells the Apple ipad camera connection kit for £25.ew design it is expected to become the most popular smartphone to date even with the production problems that Apple have faced. For more iPhone 5 News please visit our website
A licensing agreement has now been finalised between Apple and HTC after the recent court case. For every device that HTC sell Apple will receive a fixed sum.Now you can cost effectively mount a ipad bluetooth keyboard in conjunction with your RAM Tablet mounting solution using this design. When adding this sum to Apples expected profits for 2013 they are looking set to achieve record breaking figures once again.Surveillance CCTV Cameras. According to sources in the state finance department, the move is aimed at curbing the growing tendency.
- Nov 19 Mon 2012 14:07
New Licensing Agreement Will See iPhone 5 Manufacturers Apple Net Payments For Every HTC Sale