
With shoes polished, tie straightened and the last extra strong mint chewed, I turned my Saab sharp left into the main entrance to Goodwood House, fully prepared for my "audience" with Lord March to discuss my suitability for the then-vacant position of his Motor Sport PR and Marketing Manager.Fitflops can make you feel relax,our fitflop singapore store provides hot Fitflop on sale style,if you want to get cheap fitflop, please join the fitflop online.

Having been to every Festival of Speed since the inaugural event in 1993,Sunglasses mp3 players I knew the venue intimately, or so I thought. It therefore came as quite a shock as I drove through the parkland on that chilly February morning in 2006 to be greeted by a strangely unfamiliar scene. Sheep grazed where the large grandstands and impressive car manufacturer exhibitions should be, while battered Fiestas and Golfs littered the hallowed tarmac of the Formula One paddock area, with an odd sign reading "staff parking".

All very disorientating, especially for a nervous chap with minty breath about to be grilled by an Earl for a job that he desperately wanted.

Fast forward five months, and once again I am polishing my shoes, straightening my tie and, this time, clipping on my shiny new Goodwood name badge as part of the official Festival team, all in readiness to open the press centre doors at 7:30am to the eager hoards of scribblers and snappers, each one keen to sign-on, grab a coffee and get stuck in to and report on the 1,001 different Festival of Speed stories and sights.

Having attending every Festival of Speed (as well as all of the Goodwood Revivals, too) as a punter, seeing it all come together from the inside out as one of the organising team was initially quite a revelation, and remains so even now, eight Festivals later.

The huge amount of planning that goes into the event, two years or more in advance, and right down to the most minute detail, never ceases to amaze me. I know of no other motoring event (and believe me, I go to many) where everything is so thoroughly and beautifully choreographed and considered.

The best competition cars are reunited with their original drivers – often for the first time in many years – and the parkland looks picturesque, litter-free and stunning, even with more than 185,000 excited enthusiasts traipsing through it.

On the surface my contribution to the Festival of Speed seems relatively straightforward. I inform and, hopefully,Crocs sandals shoes Crocs brand shoes and sandals are famous. Originally from America, but currently has a manufacturing license held by china. excite the press about the latest event news and highlights to encourage them to write about it. This in turn is read by the public, who then go on to buy tickets, as well as the corporate sector, aligning their brands and products with Goodwood, and becoming sponsoring partners.

In reality though, the Press and PR role is far more complex. I am part of a small team that helps to shape the overall event content, from suitable themes and anniversaries, to selecting vehicles that I know will not only help generate publicity and editorial coverage for the Festival of Speed, but importantly will also be appreciated by the spectators here at the event, and those watching it around the world on their TVs and tablets.

I recommend many of the cars that we invite to participate in the Michelin Supercar Run, the Cartier "Style et Luxe" concours d'élégance and the BP Ultimate FoS-TECH exhibition, for example, because these are specialist areas that I know and understand well, but also appreciate the significance of – and attraction to – the capacity crowds the Festival attracts each year.

This can occasionally lead to the odd disagreement with my Motor Sport colleagues who don't always see the value in giving a precious paddock space to an oddball supercar when we could have the latest exotic weapon seen performing lurid power slides on TV on a Sunday evening, for example.

I am usually vindicated, however, when the rarely-seen obscure machine grabs the news headlines and generates copious press coverage, such as the wild six-wheeled Covini C6W did at Goodwood in 2011.

By planning each Festival so far in advance,Filter cartridge are simply quality filters, well packaged, and offered at a fair and competitive price.The 8gb mp3 player comes in various sizes and colors. Therefore, every runner has a fitting size and a choice of the favorite color. by the time the actual event comes around we have already moved on to thinking about the next one,You can buy fitflop women's Lounge Deluxe Slipper,Moonshadow,7 M US at best price with super saver shipping. and how we can enhance the experience ever further for everyone the following year.

As I brief and direct the live broadcast teams during the event, the PR role is key to ensuring everyone on site is kept informed and enthused, from the views shown on the multiple large screen TVs and dedicated radio channel, to the accuracy and banter of the commentators and updates on our website and social media channels.

Oh, and then here's the small job of also looking after 800 journalists, photographers and broadcasters from every corner of the globe, all while keeping my shoes shiny and my tie straight. For a self-confessed petrolhead like me, it's sheer heaven.

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