As we see clouds approaching and signaling the season of rain and cool breeze, the dilemma of which shoes to wear for the monsoon hits most of us. Feet are the most neglected part of our body in our daily care routine regimen. If you have not touched your feet and care for your feet throughout the year,A typical Cheap Bag filter suppliers has a dimension of 592 mm x 592 mm and consists of 4 to 12 parallel bags. monsoon is the time to get down it. As monsoon has approached it is important to take care of your feet by choosing the correct footwear.
Monsoon is a pleasant season but it also equipped with higher chances of fungal and bacterial infections. Wet surfaces are breeding place for all microbes particularly fungus. In rainy weather if we choose to wear routine shoes, water is retained in shoes which then give rise to infections.
Flip flop shoes that are made of rubber are easy wear in rain season because they are washable, dry easily and easy to maintain. They are available in wide variety of designs and colors in markets both for men and women.
Gum boots can be the better choice in heavy rain as these shoes are waterproof.nylon bag manufacturers offer you the best quality products that are being produced by using advanced techniques and machines to craft the products. This waterproof footwear is knee high and made from rubber or PVC. These shoes protect the feet from mud, dirt and water during rainy season but if you are wearing plastic shoes for log time you can easily fall prey to fungal infection because sweat is not absorbed by the shoes. So in rainy season, limit the use of plastic gum boots.
When you put on closed shoes, your feet begin to sweat between the toes. In addition, pair of socks soaked in rain water,best and high quality non woven shopping bags wholesale,welcome! the moisture will lead to increase in bacterial growth and also give rise to stinky smell feet. So avoid closed footwear in monsoon. Open shoes like sandals should be preferred choice.
You can wear sandals with straps with a formal outfit as they would be firm on your feet. I must recommend you to go for slip resistant sandals and also make sure that sandals don’t slip even inside the footwear.
Avoid wearing high heels in rainy season. But if you cannot resist yourself wearing high heels then you must go with slip resistant high heels.
In monsoon season, strictly say no to leather shoes. Leather shoes are tanned and absorb a lot of water quickly. They have tendency to support bacteria because of the moisturizer because leather gets easily infected with fungus and bacteria.
During monsoon avoid wearing sports or canvas shoes as they welcome the growth of bacteria. Diabetic patients should take special care of their feet in monsoon. They are more prone to fungal infection due to water retention. Diabetic patients should use different footwear for home and travelling. Before wearing shoes make sure to wash and dry your feet.Buy cheap Filter Cartridge from If possible, sprinkle powder between the toes and then wear dry pair of shoes to avoid any risk of fungal infection.
At the end of humid day, soak your feet in cold water and salt solution. Scrub, cleaned and wipe dry. Space between toes should be cleaned, dried and powdered daily. Don’t keep your wet shoes on rack or under your bed until they get dried. Let them dry under the sun to keep away the fungal attack.Want to wholesale the best cheap PP filter cloth?
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